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Lush Angela

4 Guiding Steps To Create A Successful 2023 Vision Board

We have one month to go to say "Happy New Year!". It is absurd to me that I am even typing the sentence because I believe the last quarter has truly flown by. When you start to reflect back on how your last 12 months have been, I hope you will be able to tick a lot of the things from your 2022 list. I know the last couple of years have been overwhelmingly tricky for most with having gone through a pandemic and this year has been the year of navigating back to normalcy. As a source of encouragement, we believe if you're reading this then life has a great plan for you and we want to help you be better prepared for a more winning 2023.

In order to succeed throughout the year we need to create a blueprint of what our moments of achievments will look like. When a builder is building they need a blueprint of what they are building otherwise they lack the necessary guideline on how and what to construct which will just mean nothing happens or the process of construction is slowed down. How do you create something when you have no structure or idea of what needs doing? Therefore when it comes to life the same questions apply, why not create a plan, a vision, an idea of what you want to have, happen or be? A life well lived is because of one having a sense of direction for without it you end up finding yourself achieving nothing, living life carelessly and with no growth. In fact in the Bible, Proverbs 29 verse 18 clearly states "where there is no vision, the people perish". A pretty powerful statement that brings about the realisation of how imperative it is to have a vision.

"Write the vision, and make it plain"

Habakkuk 2:2

Visualisation is truly important, making time to affirm, plan and meditate on how your dreams will manifest. Take time to set goals and break them down into bite-sized pieces that are spread throughout the 12 months to ensure that at the end of the year you are a vision of what you hoped and believed to be. When working towards your goals you must not be oblivious to the fact there will be days when you are less motivated and you will fail to achieve things within the time set, however, in these moments you must be more uncomfortable with the feeling of disappointment when you don't achieve because this will help you ensure you keep the vision alive.

Here are four simple steps that will help you create a vision board that will not only be imagined but will be life's reality.

1. Be Specific

Specificity is necessary, you need to be clear on what you want to achieve and this needs to be matched with a clear outline of what steps you needs to take in order to get closer to reaching the final outcome. Therefore we strongly encourage you to begin setting your goals by spending time outlining the direction you want to take in life, as they will help you plan the road map you need to get there.

2. Road Mapping

Once you are clear about the end goal, break it down. Set a monthly, weekly and even daily plan of the steps you need to take. In addition, create mini goals that mark moments of achievement as they will serve to be a great incentive to keep going.

3. Timeline

The goal needs to have a set timeline of when you expect to complete and achieve because this then adds urgency and pushes you to continue being consistent. You are most like to procrastinate less. We succeed not because of the intensity of our actions but because of the consistency of our behaviour.

4. Defining Success

I ask you, how will you know what success looks like? How will you know you've arrived at the success station? One can only arrive when it is clear where and what that destination looks like.

A lack of success equates to a lack of vision!

If you live in Nairobi and want to be in a room full of like-minded women who are collectively creating their vision boards for 2023. Then we would like to invite you to RSVP to our end-of-year Vision Board Party on the 16th of December 2022. We will not only have goal-setting guidance from instructors of Kike Designs but we will also have engaging speaking sessions with a range of incredible women in various fields sharing insights on how to set goals and intentions towards reaching your full potential and making your dreams a reality like them in diverse roles and leadership positions. These include some of the #OVAReactPodcast guests Farida Idris, Wangari Muchiri, Wanjiru Kanyiha-Lusiola and Natalia Sikalova, and we also have key department heads from Microsoft ADC and many more.

Thereafter, you will get the opportunity to create your own 2023 vision board guided by some of the speakers/industry experts and access to carefully picked digital vision boarding resources from Kike Designs. We have limited spaces of only 50 people, to RSVP and confirm your spot, send your payment of KES 2,500 to Paybill no. 247247 account no. 530300 and then once paid RSVP your payment details including your name and email address to 0715593592.

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