It is now two weeks since we ushered in 2021. In the past, a new year has always been quite exciting, as it is often a chance to turn a new leaf, start a new chapter and be bigger and better than last time, however with how things turned out last year we may find ourselves to be a bit skeptical about what the new year has to offer.
However, we like to remain optimistic and we are sharing with you the useful lessons from 2020 that we are using as our guide as we venture on, to what we believe will be an excellent, fruitful and winning year ahead.
Lesson 1: Glass Well Balanced
The saying goes that if the glass is half empty it is also half full but we have learnt that it is actually well balanced. What we do not have and what we do have are both imperative in the path we find ourselves in. When we miss out on what we wanted, this becomes an opportunity to understand how you handle loss. It is important to question whether you allow the feeling of disappointment, of missing out harbour within you for a long time that you fail to see what you have and also what you can work towards. When we learn to see what we have we appreciate its value and purpose. We also begin to look at what else we could have as a result of what we missed out on often makes room for what was destined for us in the first place.
Lesson 2: Plan For Tomorrow
2020 took us all by surprise but the most important lesson is that as you live for today be sure to plan for tomorrow. This year you should not only still plan for what you want to pursue and gain but also make sure you put some savings for rainy days. A lot of us struggle to save because we believe in putting hundreds and thousands aside but did you know if you chose to put as little as $1 a day for the whole year, you will have saved $365 and this can help you when you face uncertainties and unavoidable circumstances such as losing a job or source of livelihood.
Lesson 3: Let Go and Let God
Havelock Ellis said once that “All the art of living lies in a fine mingling of letting go and holding on.” This is definitely how we should have lived in 2020 because a lot of things didn’t go as planned. What you can’t change, control, or do leave it to God to handle it, it will be less frustrating when you do so. We believe immense change happens when you decide to take control of what you do have power over instead of craving control over what you don’t.
We hope our lessons from 2020 will help you to navigate through 2021, build resilience, and that you too will remain optimistic that despite the uncertainties of how the year is fairing on so far you will affirm that your plans and wishes will come to fruition.
Manifest that this year will be great! We certainly wish this for you!
Happy New Year Sisters!