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Faiza Hemed's Lockdown Money Making Tips For Content Creators

Updated: Feb 16, 2021

Content Creator, Faiza Hemed's Youtube and Instagram videos are definitely worthy entertainment during this lockdown season. We can't ignore how Social Media apps such as Instagram, Youtube and the latest edition Tik Tok have become our best pass timers and therefore those who create content for these spaces need to wise up and devise ways on how to best capitalise on it. We had a chance to catch up with with Faiza and she shared with us insights on how content creators can make money while on lockdown.

Here is what Faiza had to say:

At this point it’s safe to say that the world has kinda come to a halt. Be that as it may, a lot of people have found themselves blanketed in uncertainty which can induce feelings of fear and anxiety.

For most of us who are always procrastinating and moving deadlines on projects, we have been forced to live in the moment and make the most of the next 24 hours and nothing more. We may have hope for things to eventually go back to normal but for now, how we are dealing with uncertainty is occupying most of our mental space.

That said, we have turned to different forms of escapism, content being a huge one at the moment, people are consuming content at such a fast rate and it’s a beautiful thing to see creatives providing the solace that the world so desperately needs right now.

However, we cannot refute that times are hard, stress is high and the thought of how to financially survive the next few months is keeping us awake. How can content creators, especially freelancers ensure that they stay afloat and make money during this difficult time?

1. Create, create, create!

We’ve all seen those quotes floating around social media urging people to go with the flow since the pandemic is something we’ve never had to deal with before. This is justified, stress and depression are real but when you get that creative window, churn out as much content as you can, all eyes are going to be on you, people have time to consume your content without a rush and your name will get out there. Well after COVID19 has packed it’s dusty bags and skipped out of the planet, your name and brand will be permanently etched in people’s minds, sales pitches and wallets.

2. Target online essential services

If you already have a loyal following, you can bet most of them are quarantined and working from home. This also means people are finding new ways to access basic goods and services online. Anything from online subscription entertainment companies, mobile delivery apps, restaurants doing takeaways, supermarkets offering delivery services etc is where you should focus your mind.

3. Become a Consultant

If you have been creating content for a while and have experience in the digital space, then this is the time to consider yourself an expert in your line of work. Right now, very many online businesses are cropping up the need for freelance remote workers. From writing, to social media management and digital marketers you can make a pretty penny offering your services.

In conclusion, we have to realise that dark clouds have different meanings to someone. For a sailor it spells impending doom but for a farmer it’s all good in the hood. As we pray that we come out of it soon, you can totally make the best of this period of your life.

Well there you have it ladies and gents, it's time for you to make the best of a bad situation. If you want to learn best business practices to adapt during lockdown, then learn what Michelle Ntalami, Founder of Marini Naturals is doing to keep business afloat!

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